Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing, originating in China over 3000 years ago. By shallow insertion of small sterile needles, acupuncture controls the flow of blood and vital life energy in the body. Acupuncture treatment harnesses the body’s natural ability to restore health because it gently and naturally treats and removes the stress caused by imbalances or blockages that occur throughout life. Eventually symptoms, pain, and an early untimely death occurs. Once freed from obstruction, this life energy force can circulate effectively to adequate nourish cells, organs, glands, tissues, and muscles. This can help restore the body’s own ability to heal itself and restore optimal well-being.
Using a tens device on the left ear, electrical current is sent directly to the vagus nerve to activate the brain’s ability to down-regulate the sympathetic nervous system. This therapy improves the immune response and allows the brain, body, and gut to produce anti-inflammatory markers. By resetting the nervous system, a decrease in pain and swelling occurs. Over time, increase in brain clarity, better digestion, and movement is expected.
All non-life-threatening health conditions can be successfully treated by ear acupuncture. Research has shown that the number one reason to receive ear acupuncture is to DETOX from all legal and illegal drugs, including tobacco and alcohol. A set protocol developed for use in ADDICTION TREATMENT programs through the National Acupuncture Detox Association (NADA) is an effective way to help people facing enormous stress, anger, depression, fatigue, and other emotional and physical pain. It has been used in thousands of programs around the world. Dr. DiPaolo is a NADA practitioner found in
In China, scalp acupuncture has helped people with horrific pain and rare difficult conditions when drugs, surgery, and physical therapy have failed. There are many people who are looking for answers to neurological disorders and unexplainable debilitating symptoms. They found a solution with Scalp acupuncture. The major difference and advantage to scalp acupuncture is the profound direct effect on the brain and nervous system. Patients also notice less pain due to shorter and thinner acupuncture needles, faster results, and more convenience as the patient can receive a treatment in any position, wearing comfortable clothes, and it does not interfere with daily activities.
Dry Needling is an innovative, minimally invasive therapy that uses monofilament needles to deactivate the trigger points that hold muscle fibers in unwanted tension. Freed from these uncomfortable knots, muscles and nerves are able to resume normal function, thus restoring movement and eliminating pain. Dry Needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain and can treat a wide variety of conditions such as myofascial trigger points, back and neck pain, sciatica, shoulder pain and much more.
This treatment method involves safe, effective adjustments/corrections of the spine, hips, shoulders, arms, and legs. Misalignment or fixation of these bones and joints alter nerve function and affect body posture. Using non-force manual manipulation, Dr. DiPaolo removes these distortions and allows proper nerve flow to muscles and organs, improving communication throughout the nervous system, thus restoring the body’s ability to heal itself.