DiPaolo Health Solutions and Acupuncture
DiPaolo Health Solutions and Acupuncture


Dr. David M. DiPaolo has been serving the greater Toledo, Ohio area for 40 years. You are invited to learn how you can take a pro-active approach in treating your acute and chronic issues with holistic, natural non-drug, non-surgical treatments.

Everyone's journey is unique. Because Dr. DiPaolo looks for root causes of illness, rather than focus on symptoms, each person's path to health will be very different. Two people who have similar symptoms and have been diagnosed with the same or different illness, may have very different causes for their health issues.


In order to find the causes, Dr. DiPaolo will do a comprehensive exam, looking at your body as a whole. From the sound of your voice, temperature of your skin, tone of your muscles, and the texture of your nails, all are important and related. The key is treating how your body functions, NOT your symptoms. On some level, your body, mind, and heart know the correct path for you. Join me on this journey toward a healthier life.

Come explore the possibilities...HEALTH CHANGES EVERTHING

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